This is my blog, me being Matthew Finley. I’m a student at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This blog is actually a project assigned to me by my AP Language and Composition teacher. The requirements are that I post 3 times a week, with at least 400 words per post. This adds up to a grand total of 1200 words per week, for those of us that aren’t as good at math as our nerdy counterparts.
Now a few things about myself. As a student, I’m on the higher side of average. I have a decent GPA and enjoy school. I enjoy reading and writing, thus the AP Language Arts course. I’m also in an advanced pre-calculus class, an AP US History class, as well as AP Chemistry and Physics. Finally, I’m a member of the band, playing the bass clarinet. Aside from my courses in school this year, I’m a pretty big nerd. I read a lot, play a lot of Call of Duty, do other marvelous time-wasters, and a few other things. I also have a thing for animals. I own 2 cats, Max and Tiny Cat. I have a Bichon Frise named Atticus, after Atticus Finch. I also own a bearded dragon named Kvothe, a bird named Misty, and several fish.
I’ve lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa all my life. Yes, I’m a fan of corn. No, I do not grow it. Nor do I live on a farm, ride a horse to school, eat corn at every meal, or any of the other typical Iowan stereotypes. Once I get out of high school I’d like to move out of the Midwest. I’m undecided as to where, but I’d like to see most of the states in my lifetime, and a few other countries as well.
For this blog, most people have a topic in mind when they decide to start their blog. I do not. I have a few basic ideas, but it’ll really decide on how they look on paper. Well, on my computer screen at least. One idea that I’m liking a lot is doing reviews of books from the current best-seller list, as well as books that I’ve read in the past and really enjoyed. If I end up choosing this idea, one of the first books I’ll review will probably be my all-time favorite book, The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
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