Thursday, March 7, 2013

WPA - Who Pays Anyway?


Once again, it’s nearing that time of year for my very own Kennedy High School. The signs have been posted, the tickets are ready to be sold, love is in the air, and rejection stagnates in the gutter. Our “Woman Pays All,” or “WPA” dance is the weekend before Spring Break, and reminds me of so many problems with these types of dances.

                Firstly, I’m going to talk about all dances in general. In an attempt to be as non-sexist as possible, I’m going to address simple facts. Both guys and girls go to these dances. Both guys and girls dress up. Ask any guy what he’s going to wear to a school dance, and there is a high probability that he’ll tell you he’s going to wear the same black dress pants he wears for everything else, a nice shirt that he already owns, and he might buy a new tie. Ask any girl, and there’s a high probability that she’ll tell you that she’s going out to buy a whole new outfit for the occasion – from dresses to shoes and jewelry. Not only is this a waste of your money, but the companies that cater to young women realize that you’re buying new dresses for every occasion and take advantage of this by beefing up the prices and raking in the dough.     

                Another problem I’ve noticed with this dance in particular is the whole idea of “woman pays all.” I think that it’s fairly sexist, and frankly it just presses sexist idealism onto our impressionable American youth. Having a WPA dance implies that men pay for everything on all other occasions. I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s considered sexist. Women in a relationship should be paying equally as much as the guy. Or at least the ratio can be based on a simple wage-rate calculation that I’m sure we’re all too lazy to do. In any case, it’s dumb that we have to set aside a specific time of year where our teenaged men can give their wallets a break.

                In conclusion, there are a lot of things that are wrong with high school dances. Don’t even get me started about the so-called “dancing” that goes on at these events. I mean, really. Are we in a brothel or a high school cafeteria? ANYWAYS, take a break from buying new clothes and wear something you’ve already got. If you’ve got someone that really likes you, I’m sure they’ll think you’re just as pretty. And women out there that ONLY pay at this WPA thing . . . shame on you. I apologize for ranting, it happens sometimes, to perk you up, here’s a picture of a turtle. HERE!

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