In this post, I’m going to be blogging about my procrastination of blogging (among other things) on my blog. I wish I could have included more uses of the word “blog” in that sentence, but if I had it would have been completely incomprehensible. Sorry.
On the topic of procrastination, I have recently undertaken the epic quest of learning to juggle. Although juggling and procrastination don’t seem to go hand-in-hand, they really do in my case. It was a Sunday night a week or so ago, and I had to start working on my homework, because being a teenager I had already put it off until Sunday night. But instead of doing my homework, I got distracted by the vast amount of pointless information on the internet. For example, juggling! (Not really, juggling is a very practical skill that I believe everyone should develop at some point in their lives.) So it was then, at 11:30, that I realized I should probably stop trying to juggle – and failing miserably – and start on my homework. The bad part about it was, I wasn’t really trying to put off my homework. I believe that it’s just so ingrained into many of us, especially teenagers, that we do it without noticing.
Although everyone says that procrastinating is a terrible, terrible thing that will cause you to fail in school and end up digging ditches or flipping burgers for a living, I believe that procrastination in healthy doses can be a good thing. Let’s face it, some of us work a lot better with that deadline hanging above us like a headsman’s’ axe. That sense of urgency helps us to produce good quality work that we couldn’t reproduce if we had to. I’m not saying it works for everyone, but some people are made for procrastination.
But yes, there is a thing as “bad” procrastination. Putting off that project that should take you 20+ hours on until the night before, for example. Or waiting until 2 in the morning before you even look at your homework. Even these things won’t be completely world-ending if you do them once or twice. But those who do it every night would really suffer in terms of grades and sleep. But I guess someone has to dig ditches and flip burgers.
Thanks for reading!
Matt Finley
Totally agree.